Second Life and the Edunation, Podcasting and Education
In this episode we talk about how new web2.0 technologies and tools such as the three dimensional virtual world Second Life and Podcasting are changing the way we learn, the way we teach and how we shape and influence the process – so generally speaking – how web2.0 is changing the culture of education.
absolutely virtual (part 1)
We have interviewed Nicky Hockly from the Consultants-E in Barcelona about their ventures into this new world, and what the hype about Second Life is all about. The interview is split up into two parts, and you really shouldn’t miss the second one at the end of this show where Nicky talks about “Edunation” and what you can learn there.
absolutely practical
And before we continue our second life interview with Nicky Hockly you will hear Sebastian Dorok, an Apple Distinguished Educator and teacher of English and music at a highschool in Germany. Sebastian talks about his own experiences as a teacher and gives a hands-on example from his podcasting project with young students.
absolutely virtual (part 2)
Nicky tells us more about “Edunation”, what is happening on the virtual island and how Second Life can be used for teaching. And she reveals whether she herself is a Second Life person or not…so stay tuned!
The next show will be coming to you on the 27th of July from Anne Fox in Denmark.
So long…stay tuned!
The host of this show is: Dr. Laurent Borgmann
Edited and co-hosted by: Karsten Kneese
One intriguing use of Second Life was that recently introduced by the virtual Swedish Embassy and the Open Society Institute: an exhibition of the office of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who rescued thousands of Hungarian Jews from being deported to work and concentration camps.
You can hear more about the exhibition at this link:
I think we are seeing the tip of the iceberg regarding Second Life and similar immersive online environments. For example Language Lab at are completely re-thinking what language learning could be like in Second Life.