Kære dansker 3: I am human

I denne podcast har jeg snakket med Nizar fra Syrien på engelsk.

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Here is the third and last edition of our one-off series of shows that are absolutely Danish exploring more about migrants and refugees in Denmark. This one is in English, by the way.

I den sidste podcast i serien ”Kære dansker” er det Mohammads bror, Nizar, jeg har snakket med. Både Nizar og hans kone vil gerne arbejde og videreuddanne sig. Dette er dog svært, da de hver især har problemer med deres helbred. Nizar fortæller, at han aldrig har mødt en dansker, han ikke syntes om. Til gengæld er han frustreret med den behandling, de har fået ved kommunen og fra Udlændingestyrelsen. Til trods for dette slår han fast, at han og familien ikke vil give op. Det er simpelthen ikke en mulighed.

In the final podcast of the ”Dear Dane” series I spoke to Muhammad’s brother Nizar. Both Nizar and his wife want to work and (re)educate themselves. However, this is not an easy task as they both suffer from health issues. Although Nizar says that that he has never met a Dane he did not like, he has found dealings with county and national officials frustrating. Despite this, Nizar makes it clear that he and the rest of his family will not give up. It is simply not an option.

By the way, although familiarity with the Danish system is helpful to understand what Nizar says, it’s not necessary.

The aim behind this special series is to reach a Danish audience on the topic of refugees which is much discussed here in Denmark and elsewhere too but often lacking the voices of the refugees themselves.

This the last Danish show  which we will collate on a separate page now that the series is complete. So stay tuned

The host of this show is: Gwen Fox




Image/Billedet: https://www.mino.dk/dansksiden

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