New Skills +++ Professional Challenge +++ Working Overseas +++ Absolutely Intercultural 247 +++

Hello and welcome to show 247 of our podcast “Absolutely Intercultural”. Today’s show is about Working Abroad. Maybe you’ve always dreamed about stepping into a new work environment overseas? We will hear from Sandie, an Australian lecturer who taught in Germany, and Nika, from Georgia, who worked as a bartender in Norway. Our interviewer today is Kalvin Mitchell, also from Australia, who is doing his semester as an exchange student at RheinAhrCampus, Germany. He has been our editor for a while and was curious how worklife changes from country to country.

absolutely unpronounceable
Nika, from Georgia in the Caucasus Region, talks about his semester studying in Norway, while also working as a bartender. He explains some of the language challenges he faced and skills he developted.

absolutely disgusting 
Sandie shares her personal hardships during her transition into a German university and new teaching style. She had an unpleasant encounter with a vending machine, as she was not brave enough to try her German at the university restaurant.

absolutely skillful
In our third part, we come back to Nika, who draws conclusions about improving his multitasking skills during his time in Norway.

Although working abroad can lead to misunderstandings, it can teaches us new skills such as multitasking or assertiveness that we might not be able to practice in our own countries. When we are working abroad, we have many opportunities to help us develop ourselves; it’s just a question of how we take advantage of them. 

Our editors, Vitor Lima, from Brazil, and Kalvin Mitchell, from Australia, are now planning their holidays for the semester break. I will use my semester holidays to teach in India at our two partner universities, the Indien Institute of Technology in Madras and Pondicherry University, both in the south of India.

Thank you all who listened to the show. If you enjoyed, please like us on Facebook. By the way, did you know that we are also on iTunes? You can subscribe to us there for free and give us a rating and a comment. We would appreciate that!

Our next show is coming to you from Anne Fox in Denmark on 06 March, 2020.

Until then –

Bleiben Sie absolut interkulturell!

The host of this show is: Dr. Laurent Borgmann

Editors: Vitor Lima and Kalvin Mitchell




2 thoughts on “New Skills +++ Professional Challenge +++ Working Overseas +++ Absolutely Intercultural 247 +++”

  1. Hi Anne, Hi Laurent,
    I’m still in awe that you keep producing this podcast.
    From time to time I listen to an episode and still enjoy it.
    So please keep going – and maybe one day you’ll be given the award for the longest-standing podcast. 🙂
    Tschüss, good bye and farvel from Lübeck.

  2. But we are not very good at keeping track of the comments! Thank you for your kind words and thanks for your help in the early days when we started! Anne

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